Monday, October 19, 2009

Birthday Time In My Garden

I pulled weeds this morning.

Funny how they sneak up on me. One minute my eye doesn't catch them and the next minute- bam, they are there. I think life can be that way, one day everything is fine and then - bam, you get hit with something.

When that happens I find it best to start one by one, digging to the root of the weed and pulling it out. When I'm lazy and I don't pull the root it always manages to come back bigger and tougher next week.

Lord I pray that daily I would be aware of the weeds in my life and have Your strength to get to their roots and put them in Your compost pile in heaven.
Investigate my life, O God,
find out everything about me;
Cross-examine and test me,
get a clear picture of what I'm about;
See for yourself whether I've done anything wrong—
then guide me on the road to eternal life.

I was told lettuce was easy to grow. So easy that this is the only head that made it. So far, so good.
Without Fluff in the garden I can get lonely, here is Toby our outside cat who sticks around when he wants.

Another shot of my garden, the bricks are from Waveland, MI where we went for hurricane clean-up mission trip with the middle schoolers a few years back!

I am loving this cool weather, the changing of the seasons is an amazing event- I encourage you to celebrate it daily!

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