Monday, May 24, 2010

Corn, Cantaloupe and Peppers

Remember this bed? This is my original garden bed, the largest and the last to get plantings! I have 4 rows of corn and three mounds of cantaloupe. The area on the left- that's looks scrubby and yucky- well that area now has peppers!
Here's the bed 2 weeks ago before it was totally weeded out, but you can kind of see the peppers in.
Here's the bed now! The corn is doing great and the cantaloupe is off the chain. I've had to get creative to keep the cantaloupe away from the peppers. Speaking of peppers they are doing OK, I lost about half the crop I planted, but I have 5 good strong plants and 2 on the verge??

OH and I have to share this deal!! I have been looking for a pond for the front of the house. The roof line forms a valley that empties right into the corner of my front yard and right outside 2 windows. I've always had a rain barrel there to catch the rain and then use it to water my plants. Well, last week at Lowes we found this baby: we saved over $30 and it was a great deal so we snatched it up!! Now to get digging and put this in the ground.... next adventure: turtles and other pond type fun!

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